I love tumbler blocks. I love homespun plaids. I love homespun tumbler blocks. I hope some young boy will love this quilt. I have 3 more rows to sew together. I have some fun fabric for the backing of this quilt. It's blue and white plaid background with race cars all over.
This started out last week as leaders/enders while I finished up the Crabapple top-and it is finished!-and soon turned into my main (as in avoiding the timing of the longarm) project.

And with the finish of the Crabapple top, I need a new main leader/ender project. My overflowing 2 1/2" square drawer needed to be emptied so I started sewing 4 patches. Then I looked in
Bonnie Hunter's Adventures with Leaders & Enders book and saw Hopscotch, Butterscotch on page 66. I didn't even read the instructions, I knew this would be the project for my 4 patches. It didn't take long to put the sample block together. I also have a drawer full of 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" bricks. This will make a nice dent in the drawers but will not empty them out.
I finally read the instructions and Bonnie uses 2" squares......guess I'll have a bigger quilt.
If you go to
this post at Patchwork Times, you will see a bunch of fabulous design walls. Better bring a cup of something....you may be there for a while.
After reading comments from my post yesterday, I need to say I wasn't beating myself up at all. I was hoping to inspire myself by writing my thoughts. I do feel bad that I haven't followed through like I wanted to but I seldom beat myself up. Thanks for all the kind words. I have such great friends in Blogland!
Your tumbler quilt is coming along nicely. And, I do like the Hopscotch, Butterscotch block a LOT! Is your timing that hard to reset? Or just a pain? Sometimes it is easier to step away from something and go back when you are fresh. Love your projects.
The tumblers are so cozy looking. Perfect for a boy....or a girl....
The tumblers are great. I do love the scrappy block and I think I will make one tonight for my quilt. Ugh, my long arm was giving me trouble last fall and I was so frustrated. I had to order a new bobbin casing and now things are so much better. Sigh, tension on that thing gets me so frustrated at times!!! Good luck.
Hope your distractions go away so you can finish up all you want to do. We are always hardest on ourselves. What kind of Long arm machine do you have? CYBER HUGS!
Great tumblers, and the Hopscotch block looks great as well. I'm glad you weren't beating yourself up. You're too nice a person to do that.
The homespuns look great in the tumbler, I'm surprised they don't look busier. I'm still trying to bust the rest of my homespuns, maybe after another string and drunkards path, I try one of these if I have fabric left!
Oh, you're supposed to read the instructions? No wonder I have to make up my own quilts. Love your tumblers, I really need to do one of those, someday. The to do que is getting longer and longer.
Hmmm, tumblers, one of these days I have to try them as well...
Looking forward to seing your quilted crabapple quilt
Have fun with the leaders and enders project. Love your plaid tumbers! Very cute.
Tumblers are looking good!
Someday I will stop saying I need to get a leader ender project going and actually DO it.
love your plaid tumbler, I cut plaids up into tumblers to make a quilt too! it will get done someday! I agree a cute boys quilt for sure, but I wanted a quilt for me, plaids say comfort to me!
great block for your 2 1/2" squares!
Happy Mothers Day!
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