This morning my list includes laundry (I keep track of how many loads I do), dancing with the vacuum , finishing this quilt top, make binding and make progress on the drunkard's path top.
So far I have marked 2 loads of laundry done, the quilt top finished and the binding made. I'll also mark on my list that I updated my blog.
I use Google calendar (you can get your own when you have a google account) to make my dinner menu for a week or 2 at a time...makes it easy to take what I need out of the freezer. I don't write that on my list but I used to, now I just check my calendar. When I took out the pork chops for tonight, I also took out a package of pumpkin puree and a package of pie crust so I better write make pie on my list!
This photo shows an awesome cloud formation from yesterday. I was fixing dinner, looked out the window and saw that so grabbed the camera and went out on the deck to get the picture. I love God Moments like this.
Now I must fold that load of clothes while I watch my favorite local morning show and then get back to the sewing room.
My daughter loves lists!!! She usually helps me grocery shop, and I always take a list. If I add anything to my basket that isn't on my list, she writes it in and crosses it off. I just roll my eyes and keep shopping!!!!
If I didn't make lists I wouldn't know what I need to do!!! But, finding my list is not always easy. Beautiful clouds!! I love clouds!
When I was teaching, I made lists all the time. Now, I make a list of future projects, but not the daily ones. It does feel good to see the list grow smaller.
Lists are great tools for time management and I use them all the time.
A couple of years ago while on a field assignment in El Paso, I took several photographs of the sunrises and sunsets showcasing the beautiful colors and cloud formations. Unlike anything I've ever seen here in Washington.
Hope you have lots of sewing time today!
I love to make lists - when I do something that is not on the list I usually add it - makes me feel like I've accomplished a lot more.
Today so far I've crossed off my list, wash and fold towels, scan old photos, put away clean dishes from dishwasher, and get out meat for dinner. More to do - so here I go.
Yep, I make lists, can't live without them
Lists are a great way to keep track of things. I just have to remember that I am keeping a list, follow/write on it, and remember where I put them! I love the cloud picture. What a beautiful sight to see out of you own window. Thanks for sharing it. Mitered corners are great, I know that after the first one I said "why did I wait so long to do this". Take care
I have 3 calendars and a day planner and all have the same info on them. My planner has my to do lists. With my fibro and meds, I would forget if I didn't have a list!
I like lists too but I don't make as many to do lists as I used to...however, I usually take a few minutes each morning before I get up to decide what I'm going to do that day so it's a mental list of sorts.
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