This has been an interesting week. We have both recovered from the flu bug and it is not welcome in the house again! Ever! I know hubby is a better nurse than I am but I am a better patient. I just want to be left alone. Don't tell me I need to eat or drink anything. Just let me be. He is a whiner. I'm sorry you don't feel good, I'm sorry nothing tastes good, I'm sorry you feel horrible! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Now go back to sleep and leave me alone!
I finished my string quilt Thursday (while I was hiding from hubby) and will give it to a local charity. I have enough strings in the basket to make at least 2 more quilts and I have 5 bags of strips and strings that I bought last week at the bazaar that I haven't opened yet. One bag is crammed full of blue and cream fabric so I will save that one for a project by itself. Maybe, maybe not.
I need to start making a list for the retreat. It's going to be May 7th before I know it. I can't wait to spend time with my quilty friends. Spending time at a retreat is good for my soul. I'll still have to come home during the day to let the dogs romp outside for a while and I will probably come home to sleep. It is only a few miles and my bed is so nice.
Now I am going to go grind some wheat and bake some bread......