I looked and looked online and at the library but did not find the book the pattern came from (mostly because I can't remember which book it came from). After looking online for a similar pattern and starting over, I quit that one too. Yesterday we went to town and I did a quick stop at JoAnn's thinking they might have the darn book I have been obsessing about but no they didn't. They did have the one in the photo. Paton's Next Step Three, Create Your Own Cardigan. After another customer raved about this book and having a coupon, I bought it.
Last night I sat down and started reading and then I started on my sweater~the one shown on the cover (I think I will call it Third Time's A Charm). I made some serious (for me) progress and can't wait to work on it again tonight. I am so slow at the purl stitch though but maybe by the time this is finished, I'll be a speedy purler. Or maybe not.