Then I decided I wanted to be involved in the Patchwork Times 2012 UFO Challenge . I was a bit late getting my list made so I already knew that this quilt was going to be the project I worked on for January. 7 weeks go by and this quilt has been started and then ignored. The quilting mojo just wasn't there. It's finally back with a vengeance.

I love using 10 1/2" squares and 5 1/2" x 10 1/2" rectangles for the back. I also love using spare parts on the back. I know I learned about this from Bonnie at Quiltville but I can't find the page right now. I'll keep looking and link back to it when I find it.
This quilt was a mystery from Bonnie at Quiltville and will appear in her new book which is due out soon. Yeah! I can't call this a finish yet but it is near the sewing machine with the binding laying on top of it. I love binding because that makes it so close to being a finished quilt. Of course my favorite part is taking it out of the dryer for the first time and laying it on my bed.
The quilt is SO pretty. Hard to believe you got so far and then set it aside so long, but I know it happens. Gotta have the right mojo at the right time and in the right place!
Congratulations. It is a monstrous quilt, way to go on seeing it through. Love the back. We have all learned so much from Bonnie, a whole generation of quilters are out there following in her ways.
If you are slow as molasses...what is slower than that?!?! Because that's what I am! I don't even have the blocks sewn together or the border on it yet! Looks fabulous!
I love your quilt! The backing looks wonderful also.
Woo Hoo, your almost there!
At least you got it done now. The quilting looks great on the back. Have fun binding, my favorite part too!
You are amazing. You do way more, and much faster than I do. Enjoy guilt trips!!
Love the idea of Mt. ToBeQuilted! RRCB is so pretty, front and back :D
My Cotton Boll is like yours...not really a finish because I never did hand sew that binding down. It's a long way around that one, I know. Congratulations on your new granddaughter. She's adorable.
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