Bonnie over at Quiltville did a
blog post about her

view from her house every day. I decided to post my view because I love looking out my window. Just today when I pulled up in the car, I told my granddaughter how much I love looking at all the trees and the flowers. It makes me happy. And its peaceful and usually quiet. I feel sorry for anyone that isn't able to have this serenity for at least part of their day.
The first picture is out my kitchen window. See the rooster's head there on the bottom right. He is my Mother's Day gift from hubby. The Azeala bush was planted by my gramdma after my grampa's funeral. It is one of my prized possesions and I have taken care of it for 33 years. I have transplanted other plants around here but never this bush. There is a lavender lilac bush on the right side that was here and all the other plants I have put in. You can see the garden fence on the left side. I just wish the weather was a little nicer so I could plant some more things.
Mr Happy Bird just happen to catch my eye from the sewing room one day. So I zipped over to grab the camera and very slowly snapped pics as I got closer to him. I had never seen a bird like him around here. (I'm just assuming he's a he! I couldn't get close enough to look under his tail.) We have more birds this year than I can ever remember seeing. Maybe I'm just noticing them because I am home all the time now.

The lilac alone in the picture is one I bought at the
Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens several years ago. Last year there were a couple flowers and this year its loaded. It seems every year I forget to go there when all the flowers are in bloom.
Since my last post, I have turned a year older. This is my special birthday year so I have been celebrating all month long. I can't believe how many of my friends are party haters but that's their problem. They need to come over to the fun side and enjoy the little things. My birthday is special because I was born in 54 (I'm talking 1954!) and I'm 54. And it's my 27th anniversay of being 27. However I look at it, I need to celebrate. So I have been opening my birthday blocks as they come in the mail--OHHHHH, my quilt is going to be so fun! I'll post more on that at a later time.
Now I want to get to the sewing machine. Bonnie posted
Step 5 of the Orange Crush mystery and I'm not done with step 4! I have more I want to post but that will wait. I am itchin' to be stitchin'! This post should satisfy the
sister that sent me a scathing email today! Happy? You should be! I did this just for you.