I think there are blogger gremlins in my computer. So I am going to wait until my patience is a little stronger before I try to edit my last post for the 3rd time. (Breathing in deep as my arms slowly go up in the air, bringing the arms down slow as I exhale!)
I just wanted a little diary of our big job but the blog powers are thinking otherwise.
Good Night, sleep tight.........oh the bed bugs, it's time to vacuum the mattress again!
2019 Garden Journal
Welcome to Gramma's Quilting Room.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Day 1--Demo
Today was the big day, demo was complete in less than 3 hours. I'm going to miss my pretty tile countertops. I did them about 8 years ago and I still liked them alot. This morning I gently hugged them
After the first set out cabinets went out the door, I ran over to get neighbor Travis to come over and help. I'm certainly not much help and I would hate for Joe to injure himself. (He still has alot of work to do!)
There were many layers underneath and they held a more than afew surprises. In addition to the new quilt pattern, I found a piece of wall paper that I don't remember ever seeing. Joe found a dime dated 1943 behind the old blue tar board that was probably the backsplash.
We saw where the old window had been replaced with a shorter one so the sink could go underneath. I love the view out my window. I remember my Gramma telling me that was the window to the world.
This old house was my grandparents house and we have made many changes to it but there are still vivid memories for me. Like that fan you see up high on the wall.Not too long after we moved in, we took a huge section of wall out to open up between the kitchen and living room. The old oil stove sat in the living room and you pulled the string on the fan to send heat into the kitchen.
Right now the kitchen is naked.......but tomorrow the work starts early. They will install plumbing for my dishwasher and add a few more outlets.
I cannot wait to get in there and get cookin!
Unexpected Surprise
I had to clean off a spot of the old linoleum so I could take a picture. I would love to have this in the same colors. It would even look great as a scrappy pattern.
This will go into my projects note book and we'll see how long it takes to get started.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Contactor Time Has Begun
We were supposed to start taking out the old kitchen cabinets today but our contractor, let's call him Joe cuz that's his name, had a one day delay on his other job. That's ok, because one of these days, I will get to be the "other" job. So I lined up some help for him for Friday since I am still in gimp mode and cannot help too much. So think good thought for Joe today so he can be mine tomorrow. (Oh, that doesn't sound good!)
So, how did I start my day? I made this scrumptious loaf of bread. I have discovered home made Artisan Bread! This is what I created this morning. You can create your own by going to this website and using this 5-Minute Artisan Bread recipe. Really it only takes a few minutes to mix up. Then you have to wait and wait and wait and then you get to bake.
My advice to anyone that tries this: Just go ahead and bake the whole batch (I made 2 loaves out of mine) because it is so darn good that it will be gone in no time. Then make up another batch right away so you can have some on hand and ready to use when you want it. It really is amazing what flour, salt, yeast and water can make. Yummers.
How am I going to bake bread when my kitchen is a mess? I guess the oven will have to stay plugged in! So far, I have resisted cutting into this loaf. I would like it to remain pretty for dinner tonight. Think that's gonna happen????????
I better go find something to do...........ohhhhhhh the butter is already soft.............no, keep it pretty........but the butter..........
edited at 10:45 am
My dear ole dad was just here and spied the fresh bread. He sampled and approved. I resisted. But I am wavering!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Kitchen Setup
Here are my cabinets all set up in the shop like they will be set up in the house. Expect for that one cabinet that is on its side! That one goes above the range for the mirco/exhaust hood. Ohhhhhhh, I'm going to be so fancy. Wonder if it will help my cookin'!
I didn't get as much done today as I wanted to. I felt a bit puney and just lazied around for a while. I did get my fridge cleaned out and the cabinet under the sink is done. In the morning I will tackle the spices and such. Work starts on Thursday.
But I need to go to my Wednesday Gathering of Friends. I like having one day a week when I get to meet up with my friends. Last week I worked on my redwork and I am going to work on it again tomorrow. I am making a Christmas wall hanging that needs 4 blocks and I am on block 2. I hope to have it done in a few more Wednesdays. It's fun to have a special project that I don't think I would work on at home as much. After all, I started it in August! and in 6 months I just started the second block............and they aren't that difficult. I just need to be a doer.
This photo shows our motor home. It is a school bus that we converted several years ago. We haven't been on a trip for a while and I have the itch to go. But first things first......the kitchen need us. I just noticed the window blind. I think someone has something leaning against it. I hope so anyhow cuz what if there is a peeper in there!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night.
Monday, February 25, 2008
It's About To Get Crazy Around Here
Saturday we went to Home Depot!
I love The Depot! We went to get new kitchen cabinets--finally. I have had my plan drawn up since October. Then my plan was put on hold.
Now we are moving forward. This is what 14 pre-made oak cabinets look like. Aren't they pretty???
When we got home, the guys decided to set them up in the shop according to my plan. Good idea boys! I would hate to have to scream and yell at you because you failed to use the proper lay out. They were pretty funny doing this. But I knew exactly where each box went. Of course, I knew. I've been looking at the picture for almost 5 months! But I'm not complaining. It is going to be so fabulous when it is finished. (Somehow I deleted the picture of the cabinets set up in the shop. I will have to post it next time.)
I have all my current cabinets to empty and sort through. It hasn't been too bad, I had already been through most of them and had gotten rid of a lot of stuff. But there is still more to get rid of. I'm having a bit of separation anxiety with my stuff! There are a few things I know I should part with but I'm not going to right now. I will wait until I unpack the boxes and then make that decision. I have time to think about it.
Then there are the pretties that I forgot about. The cute little milk glass fruit plates. And the pretty little green vase that I bought because my Gramma had one that color and I wanted one just for pansies like hers was used for. (Make a note to buy some pansies and plant them!)
But the thing that really has me nervous is how long will I be without my kitchen. Are they going to make me wash dishes in the bathroom or will I have to cook in the motor home??? Lordie, I don't think I thought about that until today. Oh well, it will be an adventure and when it is finished, it really will be fabulous!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Amanda
Have a fun year being 11. You may as well start thinking now about 13, because you know I will fight you on that one. But I have a couple years to get my battle plan worked out. How am I going to sabatoge you turning 12? I have to work on that one first.
We love you!
Monday, February 11, 2008
How Cute Am I???
Yesterday was Mr Elliot's 2nd birthday party--his real bithday was Tuesday and we partied at Red Robin. The cousins, aunts, uncles, and local grandparents gathered to celebrate. Elliot was surrounded by most of his favorite people. It's fun to have a family day and we missed Uncle Doug--he was polite and stayed home with his nasty cold and we thank him for that.
I really wish my kiddos schedules allowed for a once a month gathering but they don't. We try our best to gather for birthdays so most months are covered. We are quite a crowd, but we are a fun crowd.
So my dear Elliot, Happy 2's. They are not terrible! They are TERRIFIC. I love you!
Friday, February 08, 2008
I feel like a big ole klutz! How did I make it this many years in life without ever getting to wear an impressive bandage like this one! This is the best bandage I've ever worn.
Surgery was on Tuesday. Today is Friday. I finally started moving around a bit today and maybe I over did it. I was able to do a couple loads of laundry and empty the dishwasher. I knew I should have played the helpless damsell a bit longer! Tonight my fingers are swollen but the ice pack is helping.
I'm trying not to be a whiny baby because there are a whole lot of people hurting way more than I am. So I will just whine a little and then go back to the couch and read my book.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Last Project For A While
I know of 2 people that will not like this top (you know who you are C & S!!) They are the matchy, matchy girls. They very seldom step over the "reach in, grab it and sew it together" line. I love seeing how it turns out. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I love it and sometimes I wonder what I was thinking. But this one I like. I like it alot. It has movement, surprise fabrics and I used lots of my 2 1/2" strips.
Now my machine is put away. The ironing board is folded up and things are somewhat neat. I'm going to go through some sewing withdrawls but I'll be OK. I have a stack of books to read and I can play on the computer. I'm setting my sites on 2 weeks before I try to peice something. Because I have a project waiting to be started. They only cutting that is involved is thread.
I hope I don't drive everyone batty.........well, no more than normal!
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