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Sunday, November 02, 2008

My View

Once I am out my back door, this is what I see. I look up the hill and it is full of yellow, green, orange and brown. I love all the colors of this time of year. But I am afraid my colors will be gone shortly. The rains have started and they forget to stop sometimes. I don't think we will be doing much dry leaf shuffling this year.

I can't sleep tonight. I am plenty tired, but I can't turn off my brain. I have a billion things going on in there. Like what quilt design am I going to quilt on my next quilt top. Or which piece of flannel will be the back. Or am I going to have time to get my lotto blocks finished before the retreat. Or do I want to. I do and I will make the time to make them before leaving on Thursday.

Today is Miss Ashlee's 14th birthday. Happy Birthday!

I have a little something for her and will try to catch up with her sometime today. Then I am going to make a mad dash to JoAnn's to get a new bulb for my Ott Lite and some knitting needles.

I dumped my light over the other day and the bulb blew out. Darn those things are expensive! And I have to have a pair of size 17 36" circular needles for a shawl I am working on.

I had one of those moments the other day where I looked at a pattern and then had to make it. So I made a dash to Battle Ground, found some gorgeous yarn but no circular needles so I bought the size 17s they had and came home. I cast on my 184 stitches and away I went. But that is just too much on those needles and it is hard to knit. So I am on a mission. I could work it on the needles I have, after all, I have one skein of yarn done. But I have a burr in my bonnet and I want those darn needles. And besides, they might have some more yarn that I couldn't live without.

I think I can go to sleep now. If not, I will toss and turn and then hubby will wake up and talk to me. Now that isn't a good idea!
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JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Gorgeous leaves - ours are still pretty - but I bet the wind and rain during the night has taken care of that. Hope you got some sleep.

Mike, Crystal, Peanut, Maemae, Lelou and Corbin said...

A triple wide sure would look good up there.

Sue said...

You and I are so much alike it is scary. I remember when we were kids, I would sit in that middle bedroom and stare up the hill at the trees. When the wind blew in the maple trees it was like an ocean of color as the leaves moved together. Love you, thanks for posting that picture, it made my morning.

Anonymous said...

Girl Friend...see you on Thursday!!!


Cherold said...

I'll bring my Orange Crush...it's not quilted yet...but otherwise ok. Can't wait to see you!!!!!

Have you started on the Old Tobacco Road yet? I pulled my fabrics, but have not had time to even start it.

See you Thursday!!!!