Welcome to Gramma's Quilting Room.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Design Wall Monday

Yippee, Yahoo!!
My UFO for June is now a compete quilt top.
I need to cut the binding and make the back.
The simple quilting design has been decided upon.
This will be taken to the beach for sitting around outside.
Will it be ready for our next trip?
Probably not.
But it's HOT here, not Arizona hot but too hot for Western Washington State!
99º is too much for me. 
So I've spent a whole lot of time in my air conditioned sewing room.

These are my favorite blocks.
I had to include a chicken, butterflies and bees. 

My most exciting accomplishment of the week is getting all of my 
Midnight Flight blocks sewn together.
I've put this on hold until the Deli Geese quilt is finished.
But I'm super excited to get back to it.
As I was cleaning in my sewing room,
I did cut fabric for the some of the border units that I forgot to cut.
So now I just have to sit and sew and sew and sew. 

I know how lucky I am that I get to do the things I love pretty much whenever I want.
Retirement is awesome!

Check out other design walls at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Design Wall Monday

While babysitting the grands the other day, 
I cut more Mischief Quilt kits.
While I was cutting, they were playing.
It's lots of fun to play puzzle with quilt blocks.

I've been working on them in the evenings again.
This just proves my point of not stitching when I am dog tired.
It's all fixed now and a finished block.

I also worked on my June UFO for Judy L's UFO Challenge.

I have all 16 of my blocks made and
 today I  worked up this design in EQ7 will make a fun quilt.
None of my blocks match these blocks.
I just wanted to be sure my sashing design would work and I think it will.

 Next I dug in my stash for some great border fabrics.
I'm excited to get this top made this week.

I also worked on Midnight Flight blocks.
All kits are prepared and I used these as leaders/enders this week.
I've just got a few more before all the quarter blocks are made. 

Monday, June 05, 2017

2017 UFO Challenge Update

Judy at Patchwork Times is doing her 2017 UFO Challenge 
and I'm playing along.

I'm not a great player but I'm trying.

Last month she chose # 11 which is my Scrappy Stars.
I had a bunch of 3" string blocks and crumb blocks so I got busy.

I saw a quilt Bonnie was working on and I loved her stars so I made mine like hers. 
My quilt top is a cuddle quilt,not bed size.
I'm pretty anxious to quilt this one.

I had all the blocks complete before retreat.
I thought it would be fun to show Bonnie how I was setting my blocks.
I haven't seen her finished quilt.
I just know that this is as far as I'm going with mine.
Daisy tested and approved. 

Now I can get  out June's UFO and get busy with that.

I have 6 complete blocks and parts for several more.
This is UFO #7,
Deli Geese Project, a free design from Pat Speth of Nickel Quilts.
If you search her archives. these are still available.
(While going to get the link, I noticed an new project has started.
Do I dare look???)
I've decided to march forward with another cuddle quilt.
I'll figure out how many more I need and get busy, 
I'm sure I have enough charm packs and squares to make more than enough blocks. 

Design Wall Monday

 The Mojo Has Returned

I found my mojo at retreat and thank goodness it has stayed with me!
I've got all my parts for Midnight Flight sewn together.
I think.
You know I've miscounted something but
I have lots of extra fabric so it's nothing to get panicky about.

I'm working on block quarters now from the kits I have made up.
I have a nice stack of them. 
Ooohh, I see a frinckle I need to check out.
I think I'll take some TV time this week and finish kitting up the quarter blocks.
A few more blocks were added to Oklahoma Backroads as leader/enders.

Along with block sewing, there has been some t shirt sewing!
I love the Laundry Day Tee and how it fits me.
Next project is making the dreaded pants pattern that fits.
I can do it!

Check out Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.