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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Lazy Day

Soctoberfest is officially over for me today. I finished the Sutton Spirit Socks.  This is completed pair #9 for the year.  My Jeck socks that I put down for Soctoberfest came out and I worked on them for a while.  It's been 5 weeks since I've touched them and thank goodness the pattern was in the bag.

I did look for a new pattern for socks #11 but I didn't find anything that made me jump up and down.  So I'll  keep on looking.  I'm still wanting to do toe up.  Good thing I don't have to decide anything tonight.

I woke up this morning feeling kind of puny so I did my chores inside and out and kind of lazied in the recliner. I watched all my DVR shows and knitted and napped.  I think I took 4 naps today and I'm thinking of going to bed early. I hope this isn't a sign of anything but the fact that I've had so much fun in the last 3 weeks.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

It sounds like your body needs some time to recharge. Knitting, napping, and relaxing are good ways to do that.