I've been working off and on trying to figure out the row robin. Every time I think I have a plan, I change my mind. I made the row of picket fence but I need a transition row to the tulips. I made the birdhouses and butterflies to put on as side borders but I've changed my mind about that--today anyhow.
I've folded the rows up and put them away. This is the movie watching bed and today the kids will be here and probably at sometime want to watch a movie. And my brain needs to work some more.

This is what is on my longarm. I'm about 2/3rds done with the quilting but Hubby wanted to go over to dad's to see the new tractor. So we did, then came home and crashed on the couch. I'm anxious to get this UFO crossed off the list.
Ooooppps, I forgot to add:
Check out Patchwork Times for other What's On My Design Wall Posts. Thanks Judy for keeping this going.