There has been a bit going on around here in the last couple of weeks.
Happy Birthday to oldest daughter Jenny and Happy Birthday to youngest daughter DeeDee. I've spent alot of time this week remembering when my babies were babies. And now they have babies...ohmygoodnessgracious!
I've finally updated to new blogger and I how have a gmail account. Just wish I could update my pokie ole dialup! Come on TDS Telecom, think about the people that live out in the sticks.....and we aren't in the sticks, we just happen to be a bit too far from their tower. Like 1 1/2 miles too far!
What else--sewing news--I cut up the pieces I need for my quilted jacket class and I have my bias binding ready. Now I just have to get the sweatshirt to create the jacket out of. The class is Thursday. 3 day weekend, rainy Saturday, no plans, think I'll sew.
Oh I am mom to a new dog. 2 year old Bingie is a Peek-a-poo. He was listed on Craig's list and when I went to meet him, I fell in love with him and he was adopted. Everyone in the family and at work has changed his name to Ug-moe--don't ask! He has quickly become Ug. But after a visit to the groomer, he is UgNoMore! I'll post a pic soon.
Now lets see if I am capable of labeling this post and publishing this post. I know, lets call this Snews!
2019 Garden Journal
Welcome to Gramma's Quilting Room.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
My Productive Weekend

I finally finished my marble circle quilt top that was started in November at our quilt retreat. I had to go back and re-sew all of my black sashing because my 1/4" seams were waaaay too narrow... But now it is done and I am ready to quilt it. I have to get some fabric for the back but I know what I want and I hope they still have it. I'm going to use a smokie colored thread and quilt various size circles all over this quilt.
These are the marbled fabrics that I did with my Marbelous friend Sonya. I used Nancy Elliot MacDonald's templates and just started cutting fabric and this is where I ended up. I totally love this wallhanging and cannot wait to get it finish and on the wall.
If you strain your eyeballs and look on the left edge you can see just a trace of another quilt top underneath. It is a baby quilt top. The red, white and blue nine patch blocks have been in a UFO box for 3 years or so and I finally got them out, made a few more, sliced and diced them, arranged them, re-arranged them, sewed the top together and added a red border. It now needs to be quilted and given away.
I also sewed the back to another quilt together and pieced the batting. I have a bin of 10 1/2" squares that makes great scrappy backings. It is ready to put on the machine and quilt. Now I have to clear off the machine table, fill some bobbins and dance with my machine. Hopefully this week will lead to some finishes.
I went to the doctor on Thursday about my caprel tunnel. I left with splints for both hands, wear when sleeping (that's a joke) and when I can when I'm awake. She doesn't recommend surgery right now (thank you!) but she does recommend that I rest my hands and arms. You cannot go on a marathon knitting/sewing/computering binge with out taking breaks. When I told her I used to take breaks all the time (smokers do that ya know!), she told me to take water breaks. Funny girl!!!
So now I am going to take a water break. And then put on my cute splints and watch some TV with the big guy. Hmmmmm ice cream...that sounds good.

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