But I don't care, I have a pair of socks.
My next pair will be a on the needles this week. I am going to use the same pattern but only rib the cuff. Now I need to find the yarn. The TLC yarn I bought is a little hard to work with because it has bumps of color in it. I think I'll save that for something esle. But in the mean time I have alot of dishclothes to work on.
We will be leaving in a few days to spend some time with Crystal, Mike and Elliot in Arizona. I will take my knitting with me to work on if I have time. I'm going to be pretty busy smooching all over Elliot. I have to do it now because in no time, he won't let Gramma kiss him at all! Boys are like that!!!
Now, I have to do the weekend stuff--you know the stuff you have to do to survie until next weekend. And I have to start packing and getting the house ready for the house sitter. I don't see much knitting in my future for today. But I am still training a new person at work so I get to knit there!!! Some days I love my job.
TaTa For Now.