Before we left, I finished this Splendid Sampler block.
She was a challenge but I love how it turned out.
Ernie went out halibut fishing with friends,
I stayed in the bus and worked on my stuff.
I took our little dvd player and season 1 of Heroes with me.
I took my basket of HSTs to trim and a bunch of fabric to cut more for Jamestown Landing.
I also took my Millefiore rosette to work on and have almost all the hexies made
and ready to start joining them.
This was my view.
Saturday it rained sideways all day long.
They still fished.
Sunday was a beautiful day and this is the results.
Thank goodness they all had Canadian licenses and were able to bring these beauties home.
Ernie, on the left, with his buddy Bob, the boat owner and good friend.
I"m linking up to Patchwork Times.
I'm glad I remembered today is Monday.