Meet Lillian.
I am so easily influenced by others.
Mickey Depre shared a link this cowl on Facebook the other day
and the search was on.
Here is a great article about the designer, Don Waalen-Radzevicius.
Each of his designs has a family back story.
Lillian has 2 sisters that will probably be living at my house soon.
How's that progress for not going to start anything new until Greta is finished?
The good part is that the yarn came from my stash.
I'm using Felici Sport Yarn from Knit Picks.
Great progress was made on Greta.
I vowed to knit at least an inch every day and so far, so good.
I have several shows that I record,
so each morning I watch one or two and knit on Greta.
What's on your needles?
See great projects at Patchwork Times.