It's hard work for me to prepare projects for a retreat. It's even harder if you have 2 retreats within 2 weeks. Am I complaining? Goodness no! (I love Pete the Cat!) It's hard because I have so many things I want to do that it's a bit overwhelming. So I made a list. Now I am kitting projects.
I will start with a project that I have wanted to do for a long time. I read t
his post from Julie at Quilter Behind The Barn Door. It got my blood pumping.

As you can see, I've collected a few inspiration pictures for this block. So easy but creates such drama...for me anyhow.

Today I will cut this pile of fabrics.

Using these fabulous dies.

I will add bits and pieces to my bin.
As you can see, I had to make a few (23) test blocks.
I am inspired by Julie's attitude, it matches mine.
See why I say it is the ultimate scrap quilt? And for pete's sake. If you are one of those people who try to keep the same fabric from touching when you make scrap quilts, don't attempt this one. You will go berserk. Just slap those squares together any old way. And don't worry about an occasional point getting cut off in the seams. Believe me when I say No one will ever notice.

Next (or if I get bored) I will work on this Spiral Log Cabin. I found the tutorial at
It's over on the right hand side bar under Tutorials.
This should keep my out of trouble. If I run out of something to do, I'll grab another project when I come home to let the dogs out. It's good to be so close to home and retreating at the same time.