I was so excited when Judy L started the
2011 UFO Challenge. I couldn't wait to get started. I made my list, posted my intentions and completed January's project.

Then I moved on to February's project. I did
nothing about it in February and waited to load the top until March 19th. I am embarrassed to say it has been on the frame for weeks. I knocked the timing out and I am still tweaking and it is not going well. It would go better if I went in there and worked on it until I had it perfect but I don't. I'll fiddle with it for a while, get discouraged and sit down and sew instead. So February's project is staring at me all the time. It makes me feel bad about myself. :>(

When March's project was chosen, I was so excited to put those blocks together into a finished top. I am not saying this UFO is done until it is quilted and bound.

These are the blocks for April. I took them out of the bag to take this picture last month. I put them back in the bag. My Mojo was missing so these were not even thought of. Again, looking at them makes me feel bad.

This little beauty is May's UFO. I think I have a few more blocks stashed away to add to this, maybe not...I don't know. With a new grandbaby due in October, I am excited to work on this one.
With the return of the Mojo, I have been busy, but I haven't been working on my UFOs. I plan to change that but not today. Today is a super nice sunshiny day and I am going outside to enjoy it. Ernie is on the tractor and I have a couple projects for him. It is supposed to rain again tomorrow......I'll sew then.