2010! Hello! Can you believe how fast the twenty-o's went by??? All the hype and scare from 2000 and now, all of the sudden we welcome 2010. Unreal!
I've been thinking a lot about my goals for this new year. This morning Pat Sloan writes about choosing her one word for the year. My word is simplify. I hadn't really thought about choosing one word but simplify is what I have been trying to do. Now that I have chosen that word, I need to concentrate on it.
I do have a few other goals--I have had EQ5 for a few years and haven't taken the time to learn to use it, so that is one thing I want to do. I'd like to sit down at the computer and design a quilt block or a quilt without having to get out the books and relearn everything. I've been working on 2 quilts so I sat down and played until I had layouts that I want and it was fun. I know EQ6 has been out for quite a while but I own EQ5 so I am going to use it. I don't mind being out of date.....
I am going to learn to quilt feathers with my longarm. Judy L posted a great video where she explained how she does hers--I've been envious of Judy's feathers for a very long time. So I am going to take out an old UFO and get practicing. I will no longer be afraid of the feathers!
See how simple that was, 2 achievable goals that will cost me nothing but my time. I already have the fabric, batting and thread and I own EQ5 and my computer so I don't figure in any cost--yes, my mind at work.
My other goal is our food. I have been focusing on that for a while--no diet, just plain, simple, mostly homegrown, homemade good food. Oh don't get me wrong, I like to go out to eat once in a while--we have a very good teriyaki house and I'm not ready to give up Taco Bell just yet!
Have a very Happy 2010. I hope all your goals are achievable.
I got my cute clip art from LILLYARTS.