What an exciting week! I had such good intentions and a couple of them actually happened.

My design wall this week looks almost the same as last week. Very little progress was made but any progress counts for me. I put 2 more borders on my Quilt For An Hour but here it is still waiting for the final 2 borders. Hopefully today they will get put on-that's the plan anyhow. Then I am going to take all the fat quarters I cut for this top and use them to make the back. My plan is to continue the Quilt For An Hour project so I can have this quilted and bound before my retreat next week. I did add another Sister's Choice block for my leader and ender project.

On Wednesday, son in law Mike came over and we finally put up the tile backsplash. He has me scheduled in for Thursday and next Tuesday for grout and finishing. (With his family, a full time job and his own business, my projects have to be scheduled in and I'm fine with that.) It took us a good share of the day to get both walls tiled and that included the mandatory trip to Home Depot. It sure took me a long time to get started and now I can't believe I allowed myself to live with no tile for so darn long!!!

So during the tile project, I hurt my feet. I'm not used to standing on my tippy toes and stretching for long periods of time and the tops of my feet rebelled. I don't blame them, there is a lot of me to be on those toes. If you've ever had shin splints, that's what it felt like on my feet. So I took most of Thursday with my feet elevated with ice. I had to have something productive to do so I got out my Monkey Sock project that I started in February (and promptly put away) and decided I was going to learn to do lace. It really is simple if I just follow directions and count out loud so I don't confuse myself. I am such a slow knitter, especially when I can't just knit round and round. So now, it's just a few rows at a time, I am anxious to get these socks done so I can start the next pair.
We had a fabulous Grandchild weekend. Friday was Party at Gramma and Poppy's. 3 Grands spent the night...what fun we had. The 2 little ones absolutely adore their cousin TayTay. She couldn't do anything that one of them isn't right there with her.

Sunday we went to blustery, cold Camas to watch #14, Ian, play football. Not being a football fan, I had a hard time concentrating on the game but Poppy loved it. I think I should probably get interested in it, as I think he is going to be playing for a while. I was paying attention when he scored a touchdown.......Go Jets!!!
After the game, we went to Jenny's house for some fabulous Taco Soup. I was so darn good and it warmed me all the way through!!! She made a pumpkin roll too and I had to have my piece before leaving her house. Her spoiled rotten dad filled up on soup so she gave him 2 slices to bring home--one for later and one for breakfast. The man had them both last night and there wasn't even a crumb left in the bag. Now he wants me to make another.........not today, there isn't room on my list for that.
Now head over to
Judy L's Patchwork Times and see what everyone else has on their design wall. I love Design Wall Monday!!! Thanks Judy.