Work has been a bit busy for winter time--don't these contractors know that this is my time of year to sew and now to knit. I've only taken my machine to work once this winter. It's been too busy so I have been knitting socks and hats. I'm not real fond of these bright green socks--really I love the color and they are quite toasty. I tried a new pattern, didn't make a swatch to check my gauge and the right sock is a bit big. I made the left sock to fit. I also am not real fond of this yarn, it split real bad and isn't really sock yarn but I got in some excellent practice.
I'm having a hard time adjusting to the fact that another of my children (ok adult children) are packing up and leaving. Jenny and her family are headed to Texas. I understand they have to do what is best for their family. I also understand that I am going to have to keep working so I can jump on an airplane and go visit. I don't have to like it! I just have to understand it. So here I am, trying my hardest to understand. I do, really I do.
What else is exciting-----I lifted up the laundry basket this morning and hurt my back. I knew I shouldn't do laundry. I fixed an awesome pot roast dinner today.
Ohhhhh, on Tuesday, I went to the doctor and she told me I need a test to confirm I have carpel tunnel so something can be done with it. And on Wednesday, I had a mammogram! I do lead an exciting life. On Thursday, I got a phone call to schedule my test and I get to do that next Friday. Look at this children of mine, I have to drive to Portland.
After my mammo, I went to Joann's--they were having a sale~like when aren't they~--and I bought 2 sets of circular needles and 2 skeins of Wool-Ease yarn to knit 2 socks at a time. I bought a book with awesome instructions and pictures. I'm too lazy right now to look it up. I had to finish the hat I was working on, the sock I was working on and the orange dish cloth before I could start with the cir needles. I got to start those last night.
I did sit down at my sewing machine a few days ago and made myself a cute red purse. I think the sewing machine is feeling a bit lonely again. I need to pay more attention to is this week. I'm going to try to sew for 30 minutes each evening. Wish me luck!