Wow, long time with out a message. I guess I am just a bad blogger. I've been busy at my sewing machine so haven't spent much time blogging. Long days at work and then trying to get a bit accomplished in the evenings makes for little time at the computer other than checking email and catching up on blog reading.
I did get my t shirts and jacket finished. It felt good to actually make something for myself with out a huge struggle. I still haven't make another pair of pants.
The red, white and blue quilt is Crystals. I quilted it using the Waterworld pantograph. It turned out great.

I have her second quilt, Turning Twenty, about 1/2 done with plans to finish it today. I goofed when measuring the backing and had to add to it. At least I caught my boo-boo before I got to the end of the backing. I had enough room on the longarm table to set up my Janome Jem and sew another strip with out having to take the whole thing off and used the roller as my ironing surface to press the seam open.
I'm using Daisy Swirl on this one. I am loving how it's turning out. I have to get it done so I can hand deliver both quilts to Arizona in a few days. Then I have 3 customer quilts to do and I can get busy on mine again.
Until next time,
keep smilin'.